All About Us
How We Got Here
Wheelchair Partner Stunt was started by Rick Rodgers in 2009. His current flyer is Chantal Epp.
Wheelchair Partner Stunt was where the ParaCheer divisions were born. After Rick became disabled in 2008, he wanted to continue doing Cheerleading whilst using a Wheelchair. You can read the full story here.
Chantal and Rick have been competing and showcasing their unique and innovative Wheelchair Partner Stunt routines for the last two years. They are spearheading the Disability Inclusive Cheerleading movement as the figureheads of the charity ParaCheer International CIO. Rick founded the ParaCheer divisions (currently called Adaptive Abilities) in 2014 supporting the International Cheer Union to create rules and regulations and bringing the first ever ParaCheer team to ICU Worlds in 2016.
In 2017, Chantal and Rick met whilst on Team England ParaCheer and Wheelchair Partner Stunt mark 2 was born. Over the last couple years, Chantal and Rick have been developing skills and pushing boundaries to grow ParaCheer and create new stunt adaptations. They showcase around the world and compete against standing bases, their workshops provide the very best insight into how to teach cheerleading inclusively and provides the latest stunt, skill, and choreography adaptations for people with all types of physical and sensory disabilities.
You can follow them on Instagram, @Wheelchairpartnerstunt and @Chantal_Arisha
They are available for showcases, sponsorship, Public and inspirational speaking etc...Please get in touch E-mail